RAID is only available if two or more disks are selected for partitioning, and if you choose this type, you can also set the RAID Level. You will be prompted to set a password later. Check the adjacent Encrypt box to encrypt the partition or volume. The default is MiB if no other unit is specified.ĭevice type - choose one of these types: Standard Partition, LVM, RAID, LVM Thin Provisioning, or BTRFS. You can use common size units such as KiB or GiB. For a swap file system, the mount point should not be set - setting the file system type to swap is sufficient.ĭesired Capacity - enter the desired size of the file system. For example, if a file system should be the root file system, enter / enter /boot for the /boot file system, and so on. Mount Point - enter the file system’s mount point.